Click Mouse on Main Menu Bar to Activate It!

Title: Browser Information
Details: 1.34 KB June 12 1998
Description: This script does a great job of displaying information about your web browser including version, your computer's platform, if Java is enabled, how many pages you've visited, and screen resolution. Take a look, it's pretty cool.

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Title: Browser Name
Details: 0.50 KB August 23 1997
Description: How would you like to know the 'hi-tech' browser name for you web browser? Go here!

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Title: Browser Redirection By Screen Size
Description: A cool script that determines the screen resolution of  the surfer, and sends them to a different page (out of 2) depending on whether his/her resolution is high or low. Works in NS 3.x as well!

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Title: Browser Redirection
Details: 0.63 KB August 23 1997
Description: If you maintain a separate page optimized for MSIE and another for Netscape, then this script will send visitors to the appropriate page.

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Title: Browser Version
Details: 0.50 KB August 23 1997
Description: JavaScript can even indicate the version details of the web browser.

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Title: Email Vaildator Advanced
A script that closely examines the content of a form box to ensure that the user entered a valid email address. If not, the form submition is canceled, and the surfer prompted to re-enter a valid address. If it is, the script continues and checks whether the address is of a certain type (such as hotmail and yahoo), and if it is, blocks the form submition as well. In essense, this script allows you to not only block invalid email addresses, but "casual" addresses as well.

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Title: History Length
Details: 0.52 KB August 23 1997
Description: Shock your visitors by telling them how many sites they have been to since they began using their browser!

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Title: Hot Mail Log In App
Description: If you're a hotmail user, you'll love this program. Allows easy access from your own HD to your account. Here are some of the features: Access your HotMail account faster: * Login page loads instantly, since it's stored locally. * Reduce the wait through a slow proxy server.   Less Keystrokes: * Once the user sets the Login ID, it is automatically
entered into the login form. * Password field automatically receives focus. View Source to get source code of page.

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Title: Info Table
Details: 2.60 KB April 16 1998
Description: JavaScript can write a neat little box to the screen telling the visitor's browser and operating system.

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Title: IP Address
Details: 1.20 KB December 20 1997
Description: (works only for Netscape Browsers with Java enabled) If you would like to get your visitors IP Addresses, use this script. Very cool.

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Title: JavaScript Version
Details: 1.24 KB July 3 1998
Description: Neat little example which displays what JavaScript version the visitor's browser supports. It's pretty neat, extremely simple. Check it out!

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Title: Midi Player
Details: 2.82 KB May 29 1998
Description: To ensure that the correct midi file is played in your visitor's browsers, use this little JavaScript. It will determine which browser they are using and display the appropriate HTML tags to display the midi file. Cool!

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Title: Plugins Table
Details: 2.31 KB August 23 1997
Description: JavaScript can create a table to display all the plugins displayed on your computer. Also tells if they are enabled, etc.. NETSCAPE ONLY..

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Title: Referrer
Details: 0.52 KB December 21 1997
Description: It's always fun to show how good you are with JavaScript. This script will show where the visitor came from. Pretty cool!

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Title: Right Browser
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.46 KB February 22 1998
Description: How do you let your visitors know that they do or do not have the right browser to view your site? Use this JavaScript! It'll tell them if they are using the right browser and the right version, or not....

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Title: Screen Size
Details: 0.51 KB August 23 1997
Description: JavaScript can even tell the visitor their screensize in the format: XX pixels by XX pixels. Very neat.

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Title: Visitor Monitor
Details: 2.16 KB August 23 1997
Description: If you are really interested in knowing who has come to your site, use this script. You will receive an e-mail from each visitor without them sending it. Very sneaky!

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Title: Times Visited a Page With a Message to your Vistor
Details: 1.16 KB Ocotber 23 1998 - Next Step
Description: This script will show your visitors how many times that they have visited your page and display a message that you make for each new time they visit your site!

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Title: Users Operating System
Description: A script that directs surfers to a different page, depending on his OS (operating system).

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